Fylkesarkivet i Vestland

The County Archives in Vestland works to preserve and disseminate cultural heritage material and historical documents from and about Vestland. Our collections consist of municipal archives, private archives, traditional music, oral history, audiovisual materials, place names and historical photographs. Note: this site was previously titled The County Archives in Sogn og Fjordane. As of January 1st 2020, Sogn of Fjordane County together with Hordaland County has merged into Vestland County. This site will continue to publish cultural heritage material from this extended area.

When were these photos taken?

2024-10-22T20:41:31.621569 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.9.2, https://matplotlib.org/ 1880 2021 400

Where were these photos taken?

19% of these photos are geotagged.

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The last upload was November 2022.

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