Deseronto Archives

  • 2,182 photos
  • Member since 2013
  • Last upload was
    December 2022
  • 🇨🇦
The Deseronto Archives collected documents, photographs and other materials relating to the town of Deseronto in eastern Ontario, Canada. The materials are now available for research in Belleville, Ontario, at the Community Archives of Belleville and Hastings County. The Archives used Flickr to provide online access to the photographs held in its collections. In some cases, the images have been created by scanning materials that were loaned to the Archives for this purpose, meaning that not all the items in our Flickr pages are actually held at the Archives. All the materials may be freely re-used or adapted for commercial or non-commercial purposes - please acknowledge Deseronto Archives as the source of the images. Please contact the archivist, Amanda Hill, if you have any queries about the collection.

When were these photos taken?

2025-02-17T20:11:02.103025 image/svg+xml Matplotlib v3.9.2, 1837 2015 300

Where were these photos taken?

48% of these photos are geotagged.

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Recent uploads

The last upload was December 2022.

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